The Band has been in existence since 1967. The earliest records of a "town band" date back to 1897 when an inaugural performance was given outside "The Fountain", where Brecon Workingman's Club is currently situated. The current Band comprises about 65 musicians of all ages and ability. A variety of music is performed which reflects the varying abilities of the musicians. With funding from the "Lottery" backed by Brecon Town Council and Powys County Council, the Band purchased a complete new set of instrument in the 1990s. The Band's instruments are available to all fully paid up Band members. All instruments are covered by the Band's insurance which also includes £5 million "public liability". A committee that meets the last Thursday of each month, apart from December, manages the Band.


Is open to all. The annual membership fee is an amount set by the Committee and is currently £45. New members have two "free" weeks to decide whether they wish to join the Band. The membership fee is then due on the third week. For musicians joining after the 1st March, a reduced fee is payable. All new members should complete a membership form and contact details card. Where possible, an email address should be included. Renewal membership fees are due from the 20th August each year. All payments should wherever possible be made by cheque to "Brecon Town Concert Band". The current Membership Secretary is Kathryn Powell (1st Clarinet).


Are held every Monday between 7 and 9pm in "The Studio", Theatr Brycheiniog, Canal Wharf, Brecon. Please help to set up the drum kit etc so that rehearsal may start as soon as possible. The music packs for each week's rehearsal are put out on the tables. Please make sure that you have a copy before you sit down. Please switch off mobile phones. There is normally a 5 to 10 minute break at about 8 o'clock. Rehearsals will be much better if you can play the music. Practice what you can't play. Don't waste time going over what you can play. Please play positively - if you can be heard and you go wrong, at least there is a chance that you can be corrected. The Musical Director (him/her waving his/her arms about at the front) will try to do this as nicely as possible. If you can't be heard, then you may as well not be in the rehearsal.


The Band spends between £400 to £800 on new music each year. Each pack costs between £40 to £120. Please take care of the music that is issued to you. You should have your own copy of all the music we play. If you need to annotate your copy of the music, use a soft pencil. Do not - fold cut or otherwise mutilate the music nor mark it in pen or highlighter. If you do so or lose a copy you will be expected to pay for a replacement. At the moment, each replacement part can cost between £3.50 and £6.00 - some publishers will not replace a single part but expect you to purchase a completely new pack of parts. Please keep each part in a plastic wallet - these are issued free of charge. If a part is larger that a plastic wallet, you will need to cut two plastic wallets and fix them together. 


With "Lottery" grants, backed by the Town Council and Powys County Council, the Band in the 1990 purchased a complete new set of instruments. Some suitable for beginners, the others for the intermediate and advanced musician. These instruments are issued "free of charge" to all fully paid up Band members on condition that they regularly attend all rehearsals and concert/events. Instruments are issued at the discretion of the Musical Director. All instruments are covered by the Band's insurance which also includes £5 million pounds public liability. The first £25 of any claim is not covered by the Band's insurance - you could offer to pay this. You or your parent, if under the age of 18, will be required to sign a receipt form when the instrument is given to you. Similarly, when you return an instrument you should check that the Musical Director acknowledges the return of the instrument. Any damage or defect should be reported immediately to the Musical Director.

Band Tours

In 1999 the Band gave three performances in Koudekerk aan den Rijn. In 2001 we returned there for a combined concert with the host Band "Kunst na Arbeid". In 2002 we hosted "Kunst na Arbeid" in Brecon for a combined concert. In 2003 we toured Holland giving concerts in Valkenberg, Maastricht, the Elftling Park and Amsterdam. In 2006 we performed twice in Disneyland Paris as part of their first "Wales in Wonderland" Festival. In 2007 we toured Belgium giving performances in Ostend, Brugges, Ypres and Rotterdam. Some of these performances can be seen on Youtube.


The Band is managed by an elected committee that meets on the last Thursday on each month, apart from December. Meetings are held from 7.30pm in the meeting room in Theatr Brycheiniog. Every paid up member is welcome to attend. If you wish to raise any matter, please either attend a meeting or speak to one of the committee members. The current committee comprises -

Chair - Carla Rapaport (Clarinet and bass clarinet);

Vice Chair - Paul Woods (Flute)

Secretary - Vicki Denney (Bass guitar); 

Treasurer - Emma Prosser (Trombone/Timps/Tuned percussion);

Membership Secretary - Kathryn Powell (Clarinet);

Dave Jones (Musical Director)

Bev Metcalfe (Flute);

Bronwen Frow-Jones (Clarinet)

Alison Linington (Alto sax)

Martha Powell (Tenor Sax)

Mavis Ahern (Bass Clarinet/Tenor Sax)  

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